The Swedish Society of Golf Historians
Our common passion. Foto: Tomas Kihlman
Founded in 1996, the Swedish Society of Golf Historians (SGS) is an independent body of Swedish golf enthusiasts with a common passion.
Our key objectives
- To stimulate a wider interest and deeper knowledge of the history of golf among Swedish golfers
- To encourage Swedish golf clubs to document and present their own history, all of them being unique parts of the Swedish golf heritage
- To protect and nurture golf's fundamental values and traditions for future golfing generations.
Our main activities
- An annual publication (Årsskrift) with various articles about the history of golf, particularly Swedish golf. Distributed in April each year. All previous issues are fully accessible on this web site (Skrifter -> Årsskrifter). For brief summaries in English, see below.
- Irregular publication of historical golf booklets (Småskrifter) each focusing on a specialist subject. So far we have published eight booklets (Skrifter -> Småskrifter), one in English: "Golf in Sweden – A Brief History" by Pehr Thermaenius.
- Organizing the annual Swedish Hickory Championship during the first weekend of August at a renowned Swedish golf club. The Championship usually attracts some 130 contestants, plausibly the largest hickory field in the world. Also open for non-Swedish players.
- In more recent years organizing the annual Swedish Hickory Championship in Matchplay during the first weekend after Midsummer (normally the last weekend in June) at a renowned Swedish golf club.
- A Spring Meeting (including AGM) in May at a Swedish golf club. Team match play, "Harry Vardon's Trophy".
- An Autumn Meeting in September at a Swedish golf club. Individual competition, "The Old Hickory Club", donated by our first President, Mr Åke Skeppare.
Moreover, SGS is one of three founders of the Swedish Golf Museum at Landskrona which opened in June, 2000. SGS has a representative on the Board.
Non-Swedish golfers are also most welcome as members of SGS.
For further information, please contact our Honorary Secretary, Mrs Carin Bergdahl: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.